Facilitated financing – invest in Italy
Facilitated financing is a range of funding options made available to companies by public bodies (such as the European Union, Regions, Provinces and Chambers of Commerce) in order to support their business activities. These bodies effectively provide financial resources for firms in certain sectors which are deemed to require additional support in order to be able to develop. Specific tenders are designed for different areas of business and are open to those companies possessing the right credentials.
Facilitated financing tenders are generally structured as follows:
- The beneficiaries (i.e. who is eligible to participate)
- Area of reference (i.e. geographical location of participants or project)
- Type of activities that can be financed (i.e. eligible expenses)
- Total of financial resources available
- Type of funds offered
- Procedure and timeframe for participation
Type of benefits:
- NON-REPAYABLE LOAN: a contribution calculated as a percentage of the total amount invested by a company.
- FACILITATED FINANCING: financing offering particularly advantageous guarantee terms and interest rates.
- TAX BONUS: business tax concessions.
Forlani&Co is recognized as one of the more reliable firm in the activations of such kind of funds in favor of enterprises. In particolar, we deal with the following practice area:
- RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION: support for projects leading to the development of new products and /or manufacturing processes designed to increase company productivity. Examples of eligible expenses are: purchase of new machinery and/or equipment, patents, consultancy, internal employee costs, raw materials, website creation, system automation
- EXPORT: support for company internationalization. Examples of eligible expenses are: renting and furnishing of new overseas showrooms, warehouses and offices, participation in exhibitions, employment of overseas personnel, services of professional figures such as Temporary Export Manager (TEM)
- TOURISM: support for companies making investments connected to improving and renewing tourism-related structures. Examples of eligible expenses are: modernization and restructuring of buildings, new services, advertising expenses and services of specialist professionals.
- START UPS: support for the setting up and development of new companies, particularly favoring research and innovation and that lead to the creation of new employment opportunities. Examples of eligible expenses are: setting up of new businesses, purchase of raw materials, personnel costs, advertising activities, specialist external consultancy.
- ENVIRONMENT AND RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES: support for energy saving through the increased use of renewable sources of energy and a reduction in energy consumption. Examples of eligible expenses are: installation of solar or photovoltaic panels, replacement of windows or roofs, purchase of energy efficient machinery.